10.09.22 – We decided to spend some time at the field today, so went up earlier than usual, the chickens were alarm calling, on arrival, so I rushed to check on them and realised that Rookie was sitting on the shelf above the hen houses! No idea how he had managed to get in, unless he had hidden when the doors were open! Of course he had plenty of food and water! Opal was in the nest box, laying, so I opened the two doors and let the girls and Jet Li out. Went to feed Jessie, cat and put buckets out for the ponies and horses. I was happy to see that Ivy and Jingle had ventured much further and were brave enough to walk into the open space of the paddock! Lovely that they feel safe now, although it has taken a while! I still haven’t seen the Hedgehog, but I think he is still eating and scattering the cat biscuits, most nights, putting weight on before hibernating.