24.08.22 – The girls are beginning to venture away from the horses, they have explored the furthest places and are now out of sight at times. Every morning when he feeds the chickens, they are checked by my wonderful husband. If they are lying down he doesn’t disturb them, but of course if they spot him, that’s it, they run up to him for their Rich tea treat, even jumping up like dogs! They have settled in, know where the water troughs and mineral lick are, wander in to the barn, where there is always hay available, not that they are hungry, just inquisitive. We have had some rain, so the grass is coming back from all the intense heat. Tomatoes are ripening in the polytunnel, before long I will be making chutney! I am also keeping a check on the Damsons, another week or two and it will be time to harvest them for jam and gin. I have a few Bramley apples this year too, which is pleasing, because they need three pollinators and of course bees.