No Frost, just fog!

27.11.22 The days seem to merge at this time of year, cold, dark and particularly foggy, just miserable. I long for a frosty, sunny day, […]


We have had days of rain, the leaves falling in layers of gold, mild weather, grass growing later than usual, but now the temperatures are […]

Foggy, rainy days

15.11.22 Today the sheep decided it is too wet so are settled in the barn, have had some grass nuts and are lovely and dry, […]

31.10.22 Raining It has rained and rained and the forecast is rain, although it is still mild. The clocks have gone back an hour, so body clocks are out of sync, I am adjusting feeding times for the animals gradually. The sheep in particular are spending time in the barn, so have mostly been dry, which is good, they are very enthusiastic about feed time, even though it is only a litre jug between the four of them, they still have grass growing and there is always hay. There is some flooding in front of the barn, so we are intending to put a drain in, to the ditch, when it is drier! The sheep are managing to jump over the puddle, horses just walk through. Rookie seems to have flown away at last, not seen him for a week now! 1.11.22 Bird Flu DEFRA have announced today that all birds are to be kept in from 7.11.22, due to the severity of the latest strain of the virus, our birds are undercover, to keep wild birds out, or the feed was being eaten and it is increasing in cost. We let them out usually for an hour or so, when we are with them, sadly it’s not safe fox wise to allow them complete free range! We had a pheasant fly over, heading towards the hedges down our first field after the paddock, not seen one for a while, hopefully he will be safe there. 6.11.22 Girls to the Tup Today Emma and Evie meet Evolution the Tup, hopefully we will have our first babies next April. There is a saying Tup on Bonfire Night, Lamb April Fool’s day, ewes come into season about every 15-17 days and need to be with him over two seasons, to maximise their chance of being in lamb! Fingers crossed. Feather and Fern are still babies, so their turn will come next year, they are not happy about being separated from their sisters, but it’s not for long.

Bird Flu

31.10.22 RainingIt has rained and rained and the forecast is rain, although it is still mild. The clocks have gone back an hour, so body […]

Sheep in the barn

24.10.22 – Today the sheep came running at feed time, the horses have settled back to eating their own feed, so we put the sheep […]