8.08.22 – My Holding number now works, I tried to phone Livestock Services, to notify them of the sheep arrival, twice, to very loud music and recorded messages, after a considerable amount of time, I decided that they must be extremely busy and to fill in online! Hopefully I did everything correctly and have not had any contact to say otherwise! I also checked out the details on the Pedigrees and emailed to check the cost of transferring ownership, and downloaded forms to apply for membership of the Dutch Spotted Sheep society!
The girls are honorary flock members with the horses, as they are getting used to all the space they have to roam in, it is hot weather and the horses know where to find best shade and breezes, so not sure if it is security in numbers, but they are safe, happy and keeping cool together! Wherever the horses go, four girls can be seen running to catch up with them. I have realised that a Rook has also joined the group, he or she, doesn’t seem able to fly, more than a metre, but walks around the paddock with the two ponies, at feed time Rookie can be found close to the buckets, waiting to pick up any feed dropped. We let the hens Topaz and Opal, with Jet Li, the cockerel out of their run, as long as we are there to keep them safe from foxes, Rookie wanders around happily with them too! Maybe he feels safe with the ponies and they protect him from predators?