Spring time and it is unseasonably warm, wet weather, the sap is starting to rise, so I am hoping that the Damsons and Plums wait to flower, as the wind will destroy the blossom. Neighbour’s lambs can be heard bleating in the distance! I chose to have our babiies a little later, hoping that the weather will be better. Emma and Evie are plumping out nicely and starting to bag up, ready for their lambs to be born in April. Evie has had a sore between her toes, due to all the mud, which has been cleaned and treated, so, along with her sister Emma, is now in the paddock, with the ponies. It is still a bit muddy, but there are areas of concrete to lie on still wet, but out of the mud and it is easier to make sure that they are both comfortable! They are having small feeds, more often and plenty of hay to munch! The chickens weren’t too impressed, when Emma went to look at them in the run, but they are happy to wander around them, when they are let out! The paddock does seem full, two ponies, two sheep, Jet Lee and four hens, as well as Jessie the cat! Feather and Fern are also unimpressed, although they can see their big sisters, through the fence, they have to stay with Holly and Shah, in the other fields, or barn at feed time!