7.09.22 – We should have had a quiet day today, my friend fed the horses etc. to give us a break! However, I got a message to say that, Shah had knocked his bucket off the fence and in the retrieving of it, both Beauty and Ruby had escaped into the big fields! So wellies on and off we went, of course it started raining as soon as we got out of the car and Beauty was right at the bottom of the furthest field! As I called her she decided it would be fun to ignore me and wander away, luckily husband had caught up and executed a pincer movement, caught and head collar on, she followed him willingly, I in the meantime encouraged Ruby, who had been lying down, to get up and follow too! It is a sadness to me that these two are Laminitic, and that means eating grass is restricted for them. Beauty has been well since 2007, with no attacks, due to careful management, a small paddock, hay and feed daily. Warm wet weather causes a flush of grass growth, with the release of fructans (sugars) which can set up a very painful inflammation in a pony’s feet! Hence the panic, because once they have had this problem, it can recur! So fingers crossed that they will be ok tomorrow with no signs of lameness!