New lambs
So time for an update, our little flock has expanded this Spring, Starting with Emma producing twin lambs, Hermes and Hera. followed by Feather with Halbert, Evie with Harry and Fern with Happy and Huggy, so 5 boys and one girl. We had Harry and Halbert left entire, as they are really good quality boys and will make lovely Tups. The others are castrated as I want to keep them for their wool
The weather has been awful, making everywhere muddy and sheep as well as lambs going lame, with mud between their toes! Sorted by washing and applying foot treatment. Then Hera got Orf, poor baby, with a blistery muzzle. Blue spray antibiotic helped sores, but the virus has to run its course! We were told they will all catch it, but several weeks on and only Halbert is slightly affected. twice daily checking of all 13 sheep to make sure! Then we had Evie got stuck, down in mud, luckily spotted by a neighbour, who helped her out, luckily the shearer came the next day, so she was a lot cleaner. I now have a pile of fleeces to process, hoping for better weather…