14.09.22 – I haven’t seen Rookie for the last two days, I’m hoping that he has recovered, enough to fly more than the metre he has been managing for the last couple of weeks! Or at least that he is safe, it is strange not having him walking around the paddock! It is definitely feeling autumnal today, the ponies are getting their winter coats now, leaves starting to turn, fruit and berries ripening! I picked up my first Bramley apple, fallen from the tree, another jug full of mushrooms, along with more tomatoes and some eggs, there are Elder berries, ready and I need to check for Sloes soon! I wonder how I had time to go to work? The sheep had their Rich tea biscuit this morning, this afternoon I saw them briefly on their way to the far field, all well and happy! Memo, I need to check if anyone has the drench gun in stock, I haven’t had an email to say it is!