24.09.22 – The drenching gun arrived, so I’m happy, I like to be prepared!

I picked another 2lb of Damsons this morning, bottled my Rhubarb and Ginger gin and started damsons in gin to soak for a couple of months, I need to make jam and chutney!  The best laid plans…. I went to feed the horses and was greeted by four excited sheep, all baaing at me! I got a scoop of sheep feed and the horses buckets, but it didn’t quite go to plan, Holly decided after a few mouthfuls, that sheep feed is the most desirable thing ever and her bucket was of no interest, Shah knocked his bucket off the fence and had a good few mouthfuls of Holly’s feed, hopefully she got the top bit with her tablet in! So a few moments of extreme disorder and a Holly full of sheep feed, on the plus side the sheep came for treats, which was my plan, ready for worse weather! I’m sure that they are not hungry, as there is plenty of grass and they weren’t interested in eating hay! Once the horses went into the barn, I was able to check the girls for twiggy bits and again Fern closed her eyes, such a cutie. Ginger arrived for food, when we had been there for a while, so he isn’t really hungry now, maybe someone is taking care of him across the road! Evie found a loose fence rail and had a trot around the paddock, but followed some sheep feed back to the others, I must get the halter training started.