26.09.22 – So today I whistled the horses and they neighed in response and my husband went with a Rich Tea biscuit to check the sheep in the far field. He hadn’t gone far when four high speed sheep raced past him, I never saw them go so fast. I waited for the horses to finish their food and gave the girls some sheep feed, which they obviously love! I have identified three sounds now, direct demand Baa, with emphasis on the B, this is when they have me in view, Meh, which is we need a fuss and we’re not going without one and a gargling sound similar to a horse nickering, which is communicating, between them! Well maybe I am humanising them, but we have established language and this is just the start! Chickens have lots of different ways of communication, I have read forty or more sounds, many of which I recognise, all helping to look after them well. I have ordered a feeder, shallow trough, for the sheep feed, to keep it off the ground and make life easier!