Well lots has been happening this month, starting with blood tests for MV accreditation, All of the flock except Fern, trotted happily into the barn and were duly fastened in, At the time of the vets arrival, Fern, who is usually following me everywhere, did a fair attempt to convince us that she was wild off the moors, we did eventually manage to secure her in a stable and the blood test was sorted. Beauty was next to be checked, as she has lost some weight, teeth checked and for her age is ok, but ideally we don’t want her to lose any more! So the sheep are a bit too fat and will need to drop a bit of weight, the lambs are due to be weaned and Emma and Evie, given a rest, before November, when hopefully, along with Feather and Fern, they will become pregnant! As you can see it has been muddy, the sheep do not like getting wet, so it has become their daily routine, to be near shelter, if there is the slightest suggestion that it might rain! The lambs are nearly as big as their mums now.
We lost a couple of old hens earlier in the month and so last week got five new point of lay girls, Jet Lee is a very contented cockerel. In a few days they will be used to their new home and be allowed to free range, under supervision. It has been very wet and warm this month, but there are haws, Elder berries, Damsons, Plums, Sloes and Blackberries, which will soon be ready for wine and jam making time, I have herbs and tomatoes in my polytunnel, so will also be making chutney soon. The sheep passed their blood tests, so that is good news, all healthy.