At last the rain has cleared, although we need rain for the grass to grow, it has been much too muddy to allow the lambs into the first field, so they have spent their days in the paddock, with Beauty and Ruby! They have had the shelter of a stable and we also divided the haybarn, so that the mums and lambs, had a place safe from the horses! This has meant that Feather and Fern, could get used to their extended flock, through the fence. It hasn’t all been straightforward! The sheep decided they are not in favour of expensive ewe and lamb feed, but Beauty thinks it is the best she has ever tasted! It quickly became obvious that the sheep like Hossnosh and cool mix, much better. Lots of good hay and twice daily feeds, the mums relaxed and the lambs starting to race around the paddock together, also a forecast of good weather, meant that we could think about letting them through to better grazing. I was worried to keep the safety of the paddock available, so we experimented with making a space through the fence, which was big enough for sheep, but low enough to keep Ruby the Shetland in. So it has taken a couple of days, but this morning the sheep are all together!
Still muddy, but they are settling close to the paddock here, they have a couple of acres, when they feel safe to venture.