21.11.22 Mud, mud glorious mud

We have had days of rain, the leaves falling in layers of gold, mild weather, grass growing later than usual, but now the temperatures are dropping below the magic 7 degrees, this morning the sheep asked for grass nuts and spent their day in the barn. I have noticed that most of the sheep out in fields, don’t have the option of a dry barn to shelter in, obviously given a choice….. The horses opted to graze and were very wet, but did come for feed and hay in the barn, so chance to dry off. I am debating whether to rug Beauty, as she is old, but she is sometimes slightly unsteady and a rug with straps around her legs may not be the safest option? She, along with Ruby, has free access to shelter and hay twice daily, plus a feed. I will be keeping an eye on her. She loves rolling in the mud and is no longer white! We should know by the end of the week if Emma and Evie come into season.