10.10.22 – Today I really panicked! Arriving as usual, greeted by Jessie and giving mint imperials to Ruby and Beauty on my way to sort cat food, then in to get buckets of horse feed, I looked through the window and saw three sheep get up and come running up the field and one apparently stuck. Shouting my husband, I thought she was maybe trapped in brambles, down the left side of the first field, close to the ditch. We both set off and realised there were four feet up in the air! My instant thought was bloat, or dead, Nooo! He reached her first and had already flipped her over when I got there and luckily after a quick check over, there were no injuries, or signs of unsteadiness! It seemed that she had rolled onto her back lying on the slope and fortunately it had only just happened. The problem can be that the feet go numb, in which case you must hold and give support for ten minutes or so, or they can become bloated, if not severe it will sort itself in a couple of hours. But if stuck for a long time this can be fatal and needs a vet to check. We were lucky and after keeping an eye on Fern for an hour or so, seeing her grazing almost straight away and coming for sheep nuts, I was happy to leave, knowing that she was fine.