8.10.22 A few days of wet windy weather, a covid vaccination, meaning I struggled to lift my arm and at last a dry day! So the horses are still not interested in hay, the temperatures are staying above 7 degrees and the grass is still growing. although not as much value nutritionally, it is still keeping them and the sheep happy! Today the sheep were right at the bottom of the first field, out of sight, but once they realised we were there, they came running. We decided to let them into the paddock with a few sheep nuts in the trough. I measured 4x 40ml doses of Crovect and used my glass spray bottle, much cheaper than the recommended spray gun, I thought I would trial it and it worked perfectly, Feather and Fern were easily treated, the liquid shows blue on the sheep, so you can see where you have sprayed. Emma and Evie however had other ideas, we definitely need sheep hurdles! With a bit of persistence and husband with Rich tea biscuits I managed to spray them! Ruby had to be fastened in as she wasn’t happy with the sheep and went to nip! It is because she has Shetland size issues, anything smaller than her means she can be bossy, so she chases the cats, when we first arrive as they come to say hello and Ruby thinks they will have her Mint Imperial! Beauty spent her first two years on a sheep farm, so she is good, also Holly and Shah have had sheep in the field with them, when our neighbour’s got in! Ruby will have to get used to them over winter, as they will be brought in if the weather is bad!