The next chapter!

2022 Spring came and lambs, excitedly I went to see them, triplets, but one was a ram so the girls, Feather and Fern were to be mine at weaning time, I was then taken to see a field full of the previous year’s lambs and in particular, the two sisters, I couldn’t decide, which was going to be the third girl and even showing their photos to my six grandchildren, the vote came out as 50/50. Not long after, someone else was going to look at them, a quick text to husband, “shall I say can we have both?” the reply to the affirmative was swift, so Emma and Evie, were added to make four! I handed my notice in soon after, to finish when the school year ended, went to a few local agricultural shows, learning more about sheep and waited for my babies to be weaned! 

Choose your ewes wisely!